Wednesday, July 08, 2015


Wow...I started this blog in 2003!  It is interesting how AYSO links people together.  Last year I was in Nashville, Tennessee (of all places) and who do I spy at a vendor table?  Jeff!

Jeff's daughter was on one of the teams I coached (for my daughter) in sunny California around ten years ago, and there he was in Tennessee.  It was fun talking about our kids and how similar all moody teenage girls are, no matter what state they live in (mine is mostly the state of denial).

So, here we are a decade later, and I am gearing up for a new season.  This year will mostly be referee stuff as the Director of Referee Instruction, but I *may* coach again if my little one (not so little anymore!) wants me to.

We have setup our basic referee courses, and are tweaking the dates for our intermediate referee class.

Trying to setup some sort of opening day ceremony - however...I have decided that I don't want to be the guy who does everything.  I put out a call to the board for helpers, and if nobody steps up then it just isn't meant to be. I guess that's what I've figured out as an AYSO helper - don't be the guy who does everything.  It just takes up too much time, and you really aren't that appreciated.  Get more helpers, and at least you can complain about everybody else NOT helping to each other.

OK, we're off!  Stay tuned for more...