Friday, October 15, 2004

FW: Back in the saddle

I must say, it has been a while.  After last season's U10 debacle, I was kind of tired of the whole AYSO thing.  So much so, that I didn't even sign up to coach my son! (First time that's happened in years).
So now I am coaching U7 girls (The LightningBolts), every one cuter than a bug.  I also am refereeing U10, U12 and *News Flash* have been the AR at a U16 game!!!!!!!!
Of course, life in AYSO would not be compete withoug drama...
Here we were, getting our referee pictures for the yearbook.  A Boys U14 game was finishing, and I suppose it was somewhat heated.  After the game, as we were getting to our vehicles, I spot one of the boys and his brother hanging around.  Sure one of the other teams kid exits, they try to start a fight.  Forunately the instigator's family was around, and they took care of business.  I was quite impressed that they hopped in and handled things - the way of the world these days, it's lucky if a parent even bothers to show up...
That's all for now...

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