Monday, July 18, 2011

EXTRA program?

We just had a meeting on the EXTRA program.

The thought is the we are losing AYSO players to club; and that is bad.
I think it is bad that club as watered down their programs so much that their entry level teams are in reality on par with AYSO teams.  The other thought was that we establish an Academy Training program that is outside of AYSO and club, and players play in the EXTRA team depending on skill and training.

I am opposed to having the Extra play at the same time as our regular season; I feel that players will abandon their "regular" team whenever there is a training or game conflict with the Extra program, which isn't fair to their teammates.  Right now it looks like the plan is to play in Extra during the spring, where it will be an elite level above recreational and select.

I suggested that we stay inside AYSO's national program, for insurance and other liablility protection.

More to follow...

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