Saturday, August 13, 2011

We have met the enemy, and he is us...

Well, our RC had a family emergency, and had to leave the state.
As you may know...August is a KEY time in the life of a region - Games start in September!

So a number of concerned board members got together and started doing what needed doing:
We found and assigned division commissioners.
We tried to prep the field(s).
We inventoried our goals (poor shape).
We generated our calendar:
  1. We set regular meeting dates.
  2. We set a field prep date.
  3. We set a field marking date.
  4. We set coaching class dates!
  5. (Referees were already handled...)
  6. We set a field lottery date.
  7. We set a date to FORM TEAMS!
  8. We set a date to get the game schedule out.
  9. We set Coaches meeting dates.

We got more done in two weeks than what got done in the last four months!

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